Semantic Interoperability Mechanisms for Hydropower, Energy and Other Relevant Data

Worked on in work package 8, lead by Suite5

The challenge addressed by WP8 in the iAMP-Hydro project focuses on the need for semantic interoperability in the hydropower sector. This involves assessing and integrating existing data standards and models to ensure consistent and meaningful data collection, analysis, and sharing across different systems and stakeholders within the energy sector, including aspects like biodiversity and condition monitoring, being core issues that the project is looking to enhance

Solution in prospect:
To tackle the aforementioned challenge, the solution offered by WP8 includes the development of a comprehensive intelligent Data Management Layer (iDML) that represents the project’s common information data model and which will be extended across the entire energy system, addressing the iAMP-Hydro scope. The creation of the iDML entails the analysis of existing data models and standards to identify gaps, along with the definition of new data modeling requirements to fill these gaps. It is the project’s intention to  adapt the iDML towards including both baseline and new concepts, ensuring that data from various sources can be integrated and understood within a common framework. Additionally, WP8 will design the life-cycle management mechanism of the iDML, allowing for easy updates and enrichments to support the evolving needs of the hydropower and broader energy sectors; ensuring that all relevant stakeholders have a common data language, facilitating better data-driven decisions and services.

© WIP Munich 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101122167.
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