Flow and available power prediction model development & forecasting

Worked on in work package 6 and 7, lead by CARTIF

WP6 - Flow and available power prediction model development
The biggest challenge in WP6 is developing a model for flow and available power prediction for systematising data acquisition when each location has its own databases.

Solution in prospect:
Developing specific Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes for each validation site. This approach ensures the customization of data integration procedures, addressing the unique characteristics and formats of databases at each location.

WP7 - Flow and available power prediction model forecasting
The challenge to be faced is ensuring that the flow rate prediction contributes to decision-making regarding energy production, including considerations such as scheduled shutdowns, market dynamics.

Soution in prospect:
Our solution in prospect is to collaborate with the stakeholders for determing the specific application objectives of the predictions in the operation of the validation site. Engaging with the relevant decision-makers and understanding their priorities will help tailor the flow rate predictions to align with their requirements.

© WIP Munich 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101122167.
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