The Project

The Project

iAMP-Hydro will improve the digital operation of existing hydropower plants through the development of six expected results (R) which will collectively form a novel intelligent Asset Management Platform - in short: the iAMP (being result R5) - encompassing secure open and transparent data sharing protocols (R4) and three novel digital solutions (R1 – R3):

  • R1. Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance modelling
  • R2. Ecological status monitoring and water management
  • R3. Improved weather and flow forecasting
  • R4. Secure open and transparent data sharing protocols;
  • R5. The intelligent Asset Management Platform.

The full package of digital solutions will be validated at a diverse set of five real-world existing hydropower plants producing evidence for policy making to support the green and digital transition of hydropower (R6).   
The existing plants include differing power capacities, electro-mechanical equipment type, water end-use, flow and head regimes, climatic conditions, and environmental sensitivities (biodiversity).

© WIP Munich 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101122167.
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